A Challenge for Advent

As we anticipate the celebration of the Incarnation on Christmas Day, we inhabit the paradoxical nature of the Advent season with a kind of double vision. For, on the one hand, we are called to remember what it was like to live in the darkness of sin and lament our broken condition. Yet, we who confess Christ’s coming…

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Elena Salvatore
An Introduction on Celebrating All Saint's Day

As Fr. Greg preached last week, the Anglican tradition celebrates the sainthood of all Christians as well as honors particular saints who, by God’s grace and power, built up the church through faithful devotion to God. All Saints Day, then, is a feast commemorating all the saints we honor throughout the year in addition…

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Elena Salvatore
The Feast of St. James the Great

For the second time this week, we celebrate a special day in the Anglican Church known as a Red-Letter Feast. These are counted among the most important feasts of the year, and many of them celebrate the lives of apostles, disciples, and evangelists. Saturday, therefore, we celebrate the Feast of James the…

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Elena Salvatore